Friday, 22 December 2017

Three Family Law Cases

Today I would like to discuss mediation.

This is often used in the family law context to assist people to resolve disputes about either parenting or property settlement matters. And is a process that can be used to help people reach an agreement without going to court. It has the considerable advantage of an earlier resolution of the issues between people without the involvement of the court.

Which can be much quicker and it’s much less expensive and if you can reach an agreement through a mediated process then it has a much better chance of being a long-term successful arrangement. People do though often need the assistance of a solicitor in arranging and attending a mediation and in preparing the documents that will follow on from a successful mediation.

So it is important to have experienced and competent legal advice to prepare for and participate in the mediation process. So if you think that your situation might benefit from the assistance of an experienced lawyer to go through and participate in the mediation process. Please give us a call.

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from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Monday, 18 December 2017

Three Family Law Cases

We are seeing an increasing number of applications to the court in Queensland for domestic violence orders.

Unfortunately, that reflects an increase in the incidence people sometimes thinks that domestic violence only includes physical violence between two people. But in fact, the definition of domestic violence in Queensland is drawn much wider. Different types of behavior and conduct ranging from repeated telephone call text messages or emails. Following people stalking people going to their place of work and can encompass other types of behavior as well including what’s being described as a financial abuse, and the like so these are important considerations if this is something that affects you. And you’d like to consider whether there’s something you can do in response to protect yourself then please do give us a call and see if we can give you some assistance.

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from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Three Family Law Cases

So some people do need to know how to contest at will this is a complex area and it’s important to get legal advice early on there are quite strict time limits that apply and it’s important that you act quickly there are essentially two bases upon which you might challenge a will one is whether you consider that the person who made the will lacked capacity to make it or alternatively if you’re calling into question whether the provisions of the world are fair and equitable it is a complex area it is important to get legal advice. We do offer a free initial consultation so if this is something that you think might be relevant to you or people that you know please do give us a call on.

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from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Three Family Law Cases

Often when two people separate one of them will come to see us and seek legal advice and be looking to make an application to the court given that things aren’t good between the two of you and you’re really looking to take some action to protect your interests and get what you think is fair after the separation our job as solicitors is to provide advice to you that is consistent with the law and to ensure that you’re not looking for things that are unreasonable and that you can still get what you want but it is consistent with your legal position. It’s really important to seek legal advice to figure out what the best steps to take for you are and sometimes that doesn’t involve court at all sometimes it can involve just negotiating between the two of you to try and reach a property settlement or to come up with some parenting arrangements that are suitable given all the circumstances but sometimes court does become necessary and we can take that step for you if you kind of reach agreement with your partner and you need sometimes done so that you can move on with your life.   

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from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Three Family Law Cases

The Family law act, provides that parents are to make major decision in relation to that children together once they’ve been separated so major long-term decision, such as health decision schooling decision religious decision are to be made by parents jointly pursuant to their equal share parental responsibilities under the Family law act. So unless something significant has happened which means that it’s inappropriate for parents to consult with each other about those major long-term issues it’s appropriate for those decision to be made together our role as a solicitor can be to help guide you through that process and facilitating a relationship between you and your former partner to have those decisions made in a way that you’re not exposed to them directly but can still communicate with them in order to reach an outcome on those decision and to make decision that are the best interests of the children so it’s important to seek legal advice when you separate from your partner when there’s children involved so that you’re aware of your rights and your legal obligations and to ensure that you’re doing things that are in the best interests of the children and still consulting with your former partner about major decisions because they are a parent too and it’s important to have a co-parenting relationship if that’s possible because that’s going to help the children and the end of the day if you’d like to come in and see us for some free initial advice in relation to your family of all matter you’re more than welcome to.

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from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Three Family Law Cases

Court’s interesting approach to property settlement after husband murders wife

The Family Court of Australia has delivered judgment in Family Law property settlement proceedings brought by a wife who was subsequently murdered by her former husband. The former husband shot the wife resulting in her death, and also shot a friend of the wife who suffered permanent injuries as a result. He was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment after being convicted of murder, and a further 3 years for grievous bodily harm in relation to the wife’s friend.

After the wife’s passing, her estate continued the Family Law property settlement proceedings.

The friend of the wife who was shot by the former husband intervened in the Family Law property settlement proceedings. The friend had successfully sued the former husband in separate civil proceedings and was awarded damages plus interest and costs amounting to $2.5 million.

In the Family Law proceedings, the Court found that the husband was entitled to 65% of the property of the deceased wife and the husband. This was based on substantial initial financial contributions made by the husband to the relationship.

Ultimately, the Court found that it would not be just or equitable for the husband to receive this share of the property of the husband and wife (given that he murdered the wife). The husband’s share of the property pool was paid to the wife’s friend in satisfaction of part of the judgment debt awarded to her in the civil proceedings.

A Just Settlement

Ordinarily, the position at law is that a criminal cannot profit from their crime, nor can they receive property gifted to them by their victim as an inheritance. This judgment has raised concerns about what might happen if a similar set of circumstances arose and there was no third party with an interest in receiving the husband’s entitlement to the property pool. It is interesting to note that the Court found the husband was still entitled to this share based on a consideration of the respective contributions by the parties to the relationship, but only upon considering the “justice and equity” of the decision was it found the husband should not receive his share.

How would the Court approach this if the wife or husband was murdered by the other, and no other person could justify an entitlement to the murderer’s share of the property of the husband wife? Would the Court find that the murderer’s share should form part of the estate of the victim?

If you have a Family Law query or need assistance in navigating a matter you may be facing, please reach out to our team on 1800 217 217 or contact us.

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from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Three Family Law Cases

Drug use by a parent is often alleged in Family Law parenting proceedings, typically in the context of one parent calling into question the ability of the other parent to provide appropriate care for the child/children.

Where drug use is alleged by one or both parents, a Court will often seek some independent evidence to determine whether or not there has in fact been drug use. The Court will typically make orders for one or both of the parents to undergo drug testing.

Orders for drug testing usually involve urine testing and/or hair follicle testing, however, it is important to understand that testing is not conclusive and some drugs are more readily identifiable than others.

Urine Testing VS Hair Testing

Urine testing is useful in a short-term context as it can provide information about drug use in the short period of time before the test sample is obtained. Hair follicle testing can provide a 90-day history of drug use in relation to certain drugs and is therefore generally considered a better source of information with respect to drug use.

Limits of hair follicle drug testing in Family Law proceedings

It is, however, important to appreciate that there are limits to hair follicle testing. Hair follicle testing for cocaine use is less accurate than hair follicle testing for marijuana, for example, as there is no definitive metabolite for cocaine. There is a single metabolite which is considered evidence of the use of marijuana.

This table prepared by Dimitri Geostamoulos, Chief toxicologist and manager of the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, shows classes of drugs which are readily identifiable in urine and their detection times.

family law detection of drugs in urine table

QML provides a list of substances they routinely report within a hair drug test, including:

  • Amphetamine-type substances including Methylamphetamine and MDMA
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Cocaine metabolites
  • Cannabinoids and Synthetic Cannabinoids
  • Opiates/Opioids
  • Synthetic Cathinones and Hallucinogens including LSD

A judgment was handed down in Family Law proceedings in the United Kingdom on 29th September 2017 criticising the validity of hair follicle drug testing based on criticisms made by a trichologist (hair and scalp specialist).

In this case, a child had been removed from her mother at birth but returned to the mother when she was 6 weeks old under the supervision of the local authority. The removal occurred because the mother had provided an ‘ostensibly positive’ hair follicle drug test result which led to authorities determining that the child was not safe in the mother’s care. The mother had a history of drug abuse having used heroin and ‘crack’ when she was 21. The 3 older children of the mother had been removed from her and were being cared for by the maternal grandmother.

The mother was adamant that she had not used drugs during a 2 year period despite some positive hair follicle drug test results during that period. Testing organisations had interpreted the results as showing low-level cocaine use by the mother for at least part of the 2 year period. The processes of the testing organisations were identified as issues by the Judge, including the significance of findings of cocaine metabolites below “cut-off levels”.

LIMITS OF hair testing in family court

The Judge made a supervision order whereby the child remained in the mother’s care with the local authority to supervise this, rather than the care order sought by the authority (where the child would be placed in the care of the authority). This was despite a finding that the mother had used cocaine at a low level and infrequently during the 2 year period, and also the fact she had lied about it.

Hair falls short

The criticisms of hair follicle testing were partly based on analysing the significance of test results. It placed an emphasis on the need for experts to describe the process, record the results and explain their possible significance in a way that can be clearly understood by those likely to rely on the information.

It is expected that this case will have flow-on effects for drug testing in Family Law proceedings in other countries, including Australia.

Aylward Game Solicitors is able to provide you with practical advice regarding parenting matters and Family Law matters more generally. It is especially important to obtain advice if you have concerns about the other parent which may have an impact on the child.

For help navigating a matter you may be facing, please reach out to our team on 1800 217 217 or contact us.

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from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Monday, 27 November 2017

Three Family Law Cases

The whole area of succession law in Australia is still dealt with by State Legislation and there are therefore variations in the arrangements and laws between the different states. Victoria has recently passed changes to the legislation in that state that govern what happens when somebody passes away without having left a valid Will. It reminds us of The Critical Importance Of Having A Will.

Victorian Wills Legislation

The new Victorian arrangements provide that when someone dies and leaves a partner but no children then the partner takes the whole of the deceased estate. If the deceased leaves a partner and children, who are the children of the surviving partner, then the partner takes the whole of the deceased estate. If the deceased leaves a partner and child/children who is not a child of the partner then the partner takes the personal chattels plus the first $451,909.00 of the estates plus interest and one half of the balance and the children of the person who has died share equally among the other half of the balance of the estate equally.

The Victorian Legislation also provides that the figure of $451,909.00 is the ‘index link’ according to the Melbourne Consumer price index. These Victorian arrangements are somewhat different to the arrangements that apply in Queensland. In Queensland, if there is one surviving spouse and no children, then like Victoria the spouse takes the whole of the estate. If there is a spouse and one child, the spouse takes half of the estate. If there is more than one child then the spouse takes 1/3 (or 33%) of the estate. In each case, the children share equally in the balance that remains.

To ensure that you avoid the uncertainty of your estate being dealt with according to the Laws passed in each state, which can be changed from time to time and which vary around the country, it is vital that you make an keep up to date a properly executed Will.

We also suggested at the same time it is an ideal opportunity to address the making of an Enduring Power of Attorney.

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from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Three Family Law Cases

When two people separate often after a very long relationship, financial issues can become problematic in that there is stress involved with the separation itself and then you have to start thinking about well how we’re going split these assets up how we’re going to finalise things between us and that can often become a complicated process especially if there are a lot of assets. The most important thing after a separation has taken place is to seek legal advice as early in the process as possible the sooner that you’re aware of your rights and your obligations the sooner you’re going to be able to take steps to  formalize matters between you and your former partner so as a lawyer I’ll  take all of those things into consideration and do my best to help you to reach a financial settlement which is suitable for you as it can be.

The post Financial Settlement appeared first on Family Law Brisbane.

from Family Law Brisbane

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Three Family Law Cases

An unsent text message on the phone of a deceased man was found to be a valid Will in a decision handed down by the Supreme Court of Queensland on 9th October 2017.

Before taking his own life in October 2016, the 55 year old deceased man drafted a text message to his brother on his mobile phone which said:

Dave Nic you and Jack keep all that I have house and superannuation, put my ashes in the back garden… Julie will take her stuff only she’s ok gone back to her ex AGAIN I’m beaten. A bit of cash behind TV and a bit in the bank Cash card pin 3636



My will

The deceased’s widow made an application to the Court to be appointed as the executor of the deceased’s estate on the basis that the deceased died without a valid will. The brother and nephew of the deceased made an application that the unsent text message on the phone of the deceased should be treated as his will.

The deceased had been married to his wife for one year, and they had been together for over three years when he passed away. It was common ground that the relationship had problems and that the deceased had left his wife several times, most recently just two days prior to his death. There was evidence to suggest that his wife had taken him to his mental health appointments, and they had spent the weekend immediately before his death together.

What is a will?

There was no evidence of any other document or will prepared by the deceased.

The deceased’s brother gave evidence that he had spoken to the deceased around Easter 2016, and the deceased apparently told him that he wanted him and the deceased’s nephew to have all of his possessions including his house and superannuation if anything was to happen to him, and that his wife was to have nothing.

The position at law

The law has changed over time to recognise less formal documents can be accepted a valid will. This is in contrast to the earlier position which was that a person’s will has to be in writing and signed in front of two witnesses.

The Court will consider three factors when determining whether a document is a valid will:

  • Was there a document?
  • Did that document purport to embody the testamentary intentions of the relevant Deceased?
  • Did the evidence satisfy the Court that, either, at the time of the subject document being brought into being, or, at some later time, the relevant Deceased, by some act or words, demonstrated that it was her, or his, then intention that the subject document should, without more on her or his part, operate as her, or his, Will?

How the law was applied

The Court was satisfied that the unsent text message was a document, and also considered there was evidence to suggest the text message included testamentary intentions (intentions about what is to be done with a person’s property upon their death). The use of the words “my will” at the bottom of the text message and the reference to various assets and how they were to be distributed were considered enough to amount to testamentary intention.

The deceased’s widow argued that the deceased did not intend for the text message to operate as his will as he did not send it. The Judge did not accept this and instead made the point that the deceased had his phone with him at the time of death, and he may have decided not to send the message to his brother as it would have alerted him to the fact he was about to commit suicide.

The Court found that the text message was intended by the deceased to operate as his will.

To read the full judgment, click here.

What does this case mean for you?

This case demonstrates the importance of a valid will. Having a solicitor prepare your will to ensure it is compliant with the relevant laws and accurately reflects your intention will provide you with security that your estate will be administered in accordance with your wishes. In this case a properly executed will could have saved the significant costs and delay of taking the issue to the Court.

We offer very reasonable fees for an estate plan review and will and EPOA preparation.

The cost involved will depend on individual circumstances and how complex the Will needs to be in order to effectively deal with your individual circumstances.  The will is only one element of a broader process.

When you consider the peace of mind you will have in knowing everything is in order in the event of your death; the cost of drafting your Will is not an expensive outlay.

Contact us on (07) 3236 0001 to arrange a consultation.

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from Family Law Brisbane

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Three Family Law Cases

It is not uncommon to spend large amounts of money on an engagement ring. What happens though if the Wedding does not go ahead?

Until 1961, it was possible to sue for damages for breach of promise to marry. Until that point, the courts followed the precedent from an English case that said that if the man gave the woman the engagement ring and she cancelled the wedding then she had to return the ring. But if he cancelled the wedding she could keep the ring.

Who Gets The Ring?

After 1975, when the Australian Family Law Act removed any issues of fault from the divorce application process, there has been some uncertainty as to whether the law regarding conditional gifts of engagement rings has changed or not.

A magistrate in New South Wales recently decide the question in a case that came before them and their view was that it did not matter who cancelled the wedding, the engagement ring was an unconditional gift and did not need to be returned after the wedding was cancelled.

If you would prefer to avoid all possible uncertainty and ensure that there is clarity as to the outcome if a relationship comes to an end (at whatever point) and you wish to consider a Binding Financial Agreement, call Aylward Game Solicitors on 07 3236 0001.

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from Family Law Brisbane

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Three Family Law Cases

It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over: Varying and setting aside final parenting orders

A recent case has moved the goal posts when it comes to re-opening parenting matters after final orders have already been made by the Court.

The test adopted by the Courts is that a parent seeking to have parenting orders set aside or varied must establish that there has been a significant change in circumstance. What constitutes a “significant change” has been called into question in this recent case and may make it easier for parents to reopen parenting matters after final orders have been made.

set aside. v. to annul or negate a court order or judgment by another court order. Example: a court dismisses a complaint believing the case had been settled. Upon being informed by a lawyer’s motion that the lawsuit was not settled, the judge will issue an order to “set aside” the original dismissal.

Set aside legal definition of set aside |

Historically, pre-existing issues which were raised or could have been raised at the time of the original final orders will not be enough to constitute a significant change of circumstance. In this particular recent case, the mother was seeking to relocate from Melbourne to South East Queensland with the children to reside with her new partner. The mother was in a relationship with the same partner at the time the final orders were made. The father lives in Melbourne.

Court Orders

The original orders provided for the children to live with the mother and spend 5 nights a fortnight and school holidays with the father.

The mother gave evidence to suggest that the children had formed a close bond with her new partner and they wanted to have a permanent home as a family in South East Queensland and also have another child together. Given that the mother is 41, there remains a limited window of opportunity for her to have any more children and the Court took this into consideration.

The Court also considered the difficulties that had arisen in terms of compliance with the original orders – both the mother and father asserted that the other had failed to comply at times, to the children’s detriment. The mother also gave evidence about expectations she had of financial support she would receive from the father at the time the original orders were made and the fact that those expectations were not met. She was working three jobs to support the family. The mother believed relocation to South East Queensland with her new partner would alleviate these financial stresses.

Important Factors

A combination of these factors was considered to represent a substantial change in circumstances and the mother was allowed to proceed with her application to have the original orders altered.

The case is important given that the Courts have an interest in avoiding endless litigation. Repeat visits to the Court are often to the detriment of the children. It is important to remember that the primary concern of the Courts is the best interests of the children, regardless of the legal principle being applied.

Obtaining Final Parenting Orders

If you have or are in the process of obtaining final parenting orders, it is important to receive necessary legal advice to minimise the likelihood of the matter being re-litigated at a later date. Of course, there are inevitably situations where changes in circumstances mean that final parenting orders may no longer be appropriate or in the best interests of the children. Sound legal advice will, however, go a long way to minimising these risks.

For a full copy of the judgment in the case of Searson & Searson [2017] FamCAFC 119 please click here.

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from Family Law Brisbane

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Three Family Law Cases

It is not uncommon in our practice as Brisbane Family Lawyers to be asked questions about what happens after separation to the family pet, usually a dog.

Sometimes our clients use words and phrases in relation to their pets that we more commonly associate with arrangements for children, such as custody or access to the family pet. It is also not uncommon for people to be surprised that there is no specific section in the Family Law Act dealing with the issue of who gets the family dog after separation.

So, who gets the dog?

The intensity of emotion and attachment to the family pet was illustrated by the case of Downey v Beale which was decided by the Federal Circuit Court in Parramatta in February 2017.

The husband and the wife managed to resolve all of the other financial issues between them by agreement, but they could not agree on who should keep the family dog and ultimately that issue was the only one that the Judge was asked to decide. As there is no specific section of the Family Law Act that deals with pets, the Judge had to decide the argument in the same way they would as if the argument was about a personal possession such as a car or a boat.

The husband could show that he had paid for the dog when it was originally acquired, but the wife could show that she had paid vet bills during the time that they had owned the dog and that the dog had lived with her both before and after separation. After considering the evidence and the arguments put forward the judge decided that the dog should stay with the wife and the dog was declared to be the property of the wife.

This case demonstrates the strength of our emotional ties to our pets. The husband paid $300 for the dog but between them, the two parties would have spent many times this amount on legal fees for their lawyers to argue this case at the court.


Aylward Game Solicitors chooses a best practice approach to the Law and turns its eyes towards a customer service model incorporating the technology of our modern world.

For help with a matter you may be facing, please reach out to our team on 1800 217 217 or email

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from Family Law Brisbane

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

The Many Obligations of a Family Lawyer

But when you look deeper in the duties of a Brisbane Family Law, you may be amazed by the assortment of services they could provide to the society. The most frequent of these is acting as the authorized representative of those households that employ them. A family attorney is quite helpful when household disputes (both external and internal disputes) burden the household they're representing. As they deal with family issues daily, family attorneys have to become individual, strong, and reflective. These attributes are extremely helpful tools to use while discussing issues with relatives.

A household constitution isn't really popular since it's only helpful to people with big clans and companies to depart into the upcoming generations of the families. This legal document will help bind the kids to the family members and, of their patriarch or matriarch of the household would like to, to the family business too. The family attorney is the only responsible for archiving and submitting this significant article of family record.


Divorce is just another, uglier duty of a family attorney. Normally, both parties at the divorce employ various attorneys, particularly when they have conflicting interests. Butwhen ideas for divorce are both mutual and when there are no conflicts at all, just one family attorney could represent both parties. The latter is the simpler situation naturally. But most unions end in bitterness and at times even contempt and despise. A family attorney handling a divorce situation is smart and great in making compromises.

Child custody

Child custody is essentially under custody cases. Nevertheless, there are far more cases where it hangs independently. There are lots of scenarios. It is that the couple is already divorced, but another parent would like to contest the judgment of this court on child custody. If that is true, the court may start a different instance especially handling the legal custody of their child or kids. That is a delicate thing because kids entails. If the custody conflict gets out of control, it may bring injury to the kids. Child psychological state is unstable and unpredictable. 1 wrong move from the procedure can significantly impact a child's psychological wellbeing.


Luckily, you can find great happenings in a household Brisbane Family Law attorney's list of duties. Sure, the divorce is awful. It divides a marriage bound by law and guarantees. I imagine that's quite exhausting also. But, in addition, there are fantastic minutes, and among these is managing an adoption situation. Some couples need to watch for months, sometimes even decades, simply to wind up with a child to embrace. But when that eventually happens, a family attorney can not help but talk about the joy and blessings of this few he or she assisted.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

The Ten Essential Qualities of a Civil Litigation Attorney

In every area of law, any brisbane lawyers who wants to be successful should have certain abilities and personality traits that will enable her or him to differentiate themselves from the rest of the bunch of lawyers. These abilities vary with the areas of legislation. Organizational and trade skills are most advantageous for the company planning lawyer, whereas technical and scientific knowledge will permit the patent lawyer to be successful. Civil litigation lawyers must also aim to attain or posses particular skills that can aid them in attracting and keeping customers, winning cases and possibly making new law. Following is a listing of the 10 main qualities that a civil litigation lawyer should have in descending sequence.

Knowledge of the Rules of Evidence:

Many practicing brisbane lawyers fail to get a suitable comprehension of the principles of proof, and lack the understanding about how and when to thing and the way to answer an event. Quite often, failure to object or maintain an issue for appeal could cost the customer significantly longer in legal penalties, or even worse, cause the customer to eliminate the situation.


A vital element of bringing business is the way a lawyer jobs him or herself. Confidence is more than simply hollow bravado or lost self-assurance . Confidence conveys to the customer, judge and opposing counsel that you get a complete deal of this situation and can control exactly how and at which it flows. Included in projecting a feeling of confidence it's first required to see your audience and adapt your behaviour accordingly. A customer doesn't need a lawyer who just offers them choices for them to pick. A customer wants a lawyer as a genuine advocate, one that will give them an answer along with also a company and positive recommendation. Without assurance in their lawyer, a customer's trust for this lawyer will decrease, and also the possibility of repeat business is modest.

Organizational Skills

While maybe not the most important ability, especially for the seasoned litigator, organizational abilities are significant, both for efficacy and the picture one leaves on customers. Litigators aren't generally the most coordinated attorneys, but it's crucial to take the additional time to arrange files and work locations. The organization will endeavor to the customer that you're in management and will also let you utilize your own time in an efficient method.


Too often, lawyers tend to tell a customer what they need to hear, as opposed to what they need to listen. Appeasing a customer with a wrong or misleading response may earn that customer happier for that instant, but will cost you in the long run. Honesty involves telling a customer when it's the sort of situation which you don't normally manage, while speaking them to a different qualified lawyer. Losing this company may hurt in the brief term, but that customer will remember you if they confront a matter which you get a firm grasp or specialty in.

Ability to Learn

In addition to being fair, an lawyer should try to never lose the capacity to find out about a new field of the law. Most customers have come for you to take care of their particular and specific problem, and see it as a hassle and waste of time for those who have to refer them to a different lawyer. Just when the new place is so technical that you'd do them a disservice if you consult with the customer to other counselor. The law will constantly change, but it's the lawyer who will always assess and interpret the law that will stay successful.

Certainly Explained Fee System

One of the most frequent complaints made concerning one's lawyer stems from reimbursement disputes. To prevent this, it's always crucial to place in writing and clearly describe to the customer the procedure of billing, while it's contingency or hourly billing. A clearly explained and thorough fee arrangement accomplished in the very first intake meeting can prevent lots of the post event disputes, and may also help to prevent potential complaints being registered with the state disciplinary committee.

Negotiation Skills

When negotiating, it's essential to do this in good faith, however you has to make certain to bear in mind that the objective of getting the best price possible for a customer. Various studies have proven that the combined, when compared with the competitive combative negotiator, can attain a more desirable settlement deal. Whatever your distinct style, it's necessary to bear in mind that you will probably deal with that individual within your field of work again later on, so great faith dealing is imperative to ensure proper behaviour and provides later on.

Interpersonal Skills

The demand for honed social skills isn't unique to the legislation, but its significance is greater for educating lawyers compared to many other professions. Each connection needs a different and distinct set of social skills. A few of those relationships demand management skills, but some need the capacity to listen to and respond meaningfully. Unlike transactional lawyers, civil litigators have to be comfortable speaking to people and has to have the ability to get along with many distinct sorts of individuals. If a customer doesn't personally like her or his lawyer, they are not as inclined to return to this lawyer later on, sometimes no matter the prior result.


Any litigator must have the abilities to convince a judge, jury, customer or opposing counsel about any specific matter. When it's hoping to convince opposing counsel that your case is more powerful than it's, or persuading a customer that a settlement deal is the best that they'll get, the grade is of main significance. Underlying the concept of persuasiveness is your capacity to comprehend and relate to individuals. If you're able to identify and link to your viewers, persuading them only includes fixing their concerns and emphasizing the benefits to your perspective. A command of the ability of persuasion is going to cause achievement in the civil litigation area.

Ability to Clearly Communicate

So you've got a fantastic case, or a situation that's winnable provided that people are able to understand your concept of law. What distinguishes effective from unsuccessful lawyers and instances is your attorney's ability to convey with the decision maker, be it that the judge or the jury, the assumption of this theory and the main reason for picking your planned outcome. Communication is more significant than persuasion or social abilities or another variable combined. The main reason being is that communicating underlies every important feature that a prosperous civil litigation lawyer must obtain.

Monday, 4 September 2017

What Does a Civil Lawyer Do?

A attorney that specializes in civil law is called a civil attorney. Civil legislation has many areas such as business laws, company laws, intellectual property laws, family laws, personal injury legislation, probate legislation, property legislation, tax laws, etc.. A civil attorney not merely reflects the customer in a legal proceedings but also provides legal information to the customer in civil trades.

Civil legislation encompasses all law which isn't criminal law. Civil brisbane lawyer handle lawsuits that call for people, companies, as well as the authorities.

Civil attorneys will normally select one or more areas of legislation to concentrate in. Should you require help with taxation legislation, you need to visit a civil attorney that specializes in taxation legislation. In case you were hurt in an accident and you also would like to file a law suit seeking damages, then you'll require the assistance of a civil attorney specializing in personal injury suits. If you're filing for divorce or looking for custody of your child, a civil attorney specializing in family law will have the ability to give you a hand.

A brisbane lawyer can also assist you when you're operating a business by providing you with timely advice that could save you from costly civil law litigation. A civil attorney specializing in company laws can counsel you on the regulations that your company should comply and the permits needed by your company. He can also help you get the licenses. Laws regulating the operation of corporations are complicated. There are civil attorneys who focus on corporate legislation. At a real estate transaction, an attorney specializing in real estate legislation can ensure that the trade has been conducted in the appropriate manner, the essential documents are properly implemented and the sale continues correctly paid out and accounted for at closure.

There are no particular qualifications for getting a civil attorney. Prior to a attorney can practice in a country, he should pass the state bar examination.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Online Law Firm Marketing

This profession is among the very few self-regulating professions and can be regulated by an assortment of professional principles, ethical remarks, and related common law. It's well known that, historically, the legislation itself has slothfully corrected to integrate technological improvements within its own parameters. This is true concerning the ethical principles of professional behavior. However, as more and more legal professionals are now turning to the world wide web to advertise their practice through lawful sites, sites, and other social networking outlets, there'll turn into a heightened need for additional regulation regarding ethical advertisements online.

The American Bar Association ("ABA") includes draft version ethical principles for countries to adopt and attorneys to follow.

As mentioned, the Rules aren't really binding to a lawyer until their condition has either adopted them or any other associated professional rules. Currently, all countries except for California have adopted the ABA's Rules at least in part. The majority of the countries have adopted the ABA's Rules in complete with little alterations or enhancements to them.

The Rules and every nation's compilations do include provisions associated with marketing and solicitation. Based upon the condition, the differentiation between each one of the phrases could be significant or minimal. Generally, "marketing" refers to any private or public communication made by or on behalf of a attorney or brisbane law firm concerning the services offered for the main goal of which will be for preservation of the attorney or law firm's services. By comparison, "solicitation" is a type of promotion, but more especially is initiated by or to the attorney or law firm also can be directed to or targeted at a particular group of individuals, family or friends, or authorized agents for the main purpose of that is also for retention of the attorney or law firm's services.

Although the Rules do address advertisements and solicitation into the world wide web, they're unsurprisingly lacking. These gaps are somewhat filled by ethical remarks or case law. But this normally implies that a lawyer has already gone through the litigation process and, sadly, probably been exposed to discipline.

However, the Rules do provide a rather solid foundation for a lawyer or brisbane law firm examine over. Even if your country's professional principles don't adequately present online advertising provisions, you might still consult with the ABA's criteria for advice.

Inside the Rules, the main place to search is Rule 7. This principle refers to "Information Concerning Legal Services" and houses the vast majority of the pertinent principles to online marketing for lawyers. Duly note, that there still will be additional terms scattered throughout the Rules that apply to promotion. This is merely the most important concentration of provisions that an lawyer must consult first before searching for those stern sections everywhere.

Friday, 25 August 2017

Choosing an Effective Law Firm

At some time period or another, we're in need of legal counsel. It may be a relatively straightforward problem such as preparing a will or buying a home or something that's a lot more complicated such as obtaining a divorce or coping with a criminal situation. There's not any dearth of brisbane law firm in this town and finding a professional attorney is no problem if you're conscious of where to search for. The beginning point can sometimes be tricky, particularly in case you've got no experience in managing attorneys before.

It's essential that you do comprehensive research and search around to find the best attorney before deciding on any one. An excellent starting point is to request recommendations from those who have employed the help of a attorney or law firm prior to. Personal advice can be particularly helpful since it allows you to get the feedback of those men and women that you trust. Their conclusions are more dependable compared to online reviews and specialist proposals which are accessible on the net.

If you don't know anybody who has employed the assistance of this law_firm before, get the support of different guides and organizations to start your search. Different official associations assist you hunt a law firm on the grounds of its title, location as well as the field of specialization. These sites are a great means of producing a list of possible attorneys and law firms prior to further restricting down it. After locating the first collection of law firms, you want to learn if they supply dependable services. Different tools are available to gauge the abilities and expertise of a attorney or a company.

Are you searching for a attorney who resides closer to your office or home? Whatever the situation, there's absolutely no purpose in picking out somebody who resides at a fantastic space as you want to correspond with them on a standard basis for follow-ups and upgrades. Cash is also an important aspect to take into consideration in regards to hiring the authorized services from a company. As fees between companies and people have a tendency to change, be certain that the legal practitioner you are picking to your needs fees you an inexpensive fee.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Child Custody - Resolving Issues and Solving Problems

life was moving on its own path without many turns and twists, you'd have only been plain lucky, and you also may be wise to enjoy the series of an excellent period in life. But when things do take a turn for the worse, and if relationships turn acrid, you unexpectedly find yourself confronted with a ton of issues that you might not have thought of sooner, and wind up at a not-so-enviable position of needing to take some hard decisions - like child custody. Obviously, child custody is such an important problem of key importance in one's lifetime, which one has tricked away by the sheer quantity of emotions that you would need to manage and manage. And that could add a lot to the strain and strains linked to the fracture in associations, when spouses would need to manage the inevitable possibility of parting ways, amidst all of the acrimony and distaste connected with separation. Obviously, the highly emotional problem of child custody is something that you wouldn't wish to face in this kind of event of psychological turmoil.

The machine, which puts pressure on the welfare of kids, mandates that the processes associated with family dispute resolution would need to be managed before the dilemma of child custody has been acted upon. The function of a licensed family dispute professional becomes critical here since the couples would need to submit a certification to the effect which formalities linked with household dispute have been resolved, before focusing on the significant feature of child custody. Needless to say, individual cases are considered in all their uniqueness, with no being treated as a homogenous set of issues using regular rules and processes.

The concept behind such judicial procedure is that the kid has every right to enjoy a fantastic relationship with both the parents, even if the parents themselves were at loggerheads in terms of child custody. And the emphasis is much more conducive to the other aspects of child custody, for example, shared parenting, to make certain that the child is still the least influenced in the whole issue.

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How to Handle Children in Separation

Separation and divorce aren't only about you and your spouse, if you have kids who are determined by you. Having kids to take good care of and being accountable for their potential widens the reach of the effect that your divorce or separation may have in the lives of the near and dear ones. Children things will need to be taken seriously, since the young ones wouldn't possess the maturity to comprehend the consequences of your actions, although they might need to face the entire brunt of the effects connected with your separation.

If it comes to children things, the very first thing, maybe, which you ought to be aware of is that you will need to place yourself into your children's shoes to have the ability to appreciate how that they feel and respond to a divorce or separation. While kids under age 5 may not know what is happening around them, kids matters compared to older kids could be connected with confusion and elevated levels of uncertainty in addition to anxiety. Any interaction between their parents is detected closely by kids when they understand that things aren't alright involving the parents, and those can form deep feelings on the young heads.

You will need to manage kids matters as you handle your relationship. Kids require a good deal of reassurances seeing your unconditional love towards them. You might have to sit down with your kids and speak it out in a manner which they're in a position to comprehend and accept things as they occur. It's vital that you provide them a patient ear and listen to them out - speaking takes off a whole lot of uncertainty. For those who have arguments or quarrels, then make certain that your kids aren't attracted into the disturbances. And it's necessary that you paint a favorable image of your spouse to your kids, regardless of what your view is all about your spouse. You can use family lawyers brisbane services to handled any types of cases.