Wednesday, 19 December 2018

One Easy Tip About Child Custody Lawyers Brisbane Exposed

The Battle Over Child Custody Lawyers Brisbane and How to Win It

Courts are always trying to create a legal framework that will supply the least possible long-term tension and conflict based on their view of the kid's best interests. Toward that end, they will examine a number of factors to determine whether a parent is suitable to have sole or joint custody of a child. The courts aren't unreasonable. Illinois courts revolve around ordering custody it determines is in the best interests of the kid.

Your child custody has to be tailored to your requirements and your youngster's needs. Child custody is known as conservator ship in Texas. While child custody may be a particular element of law, there are lots of issues that are associated with its practice. Child custody is an overall term for a more complicated matter. Determining who will get custody over a young child is frequently the most challenging facet of divorce for the majority of families, but knowing how a choice is made may help you feel better about the scenario. Our unique positive approach can help you get smoothly through your child custody and separation journey so that you are able to get on with the remainder of your life.

Whether you're fighting for custody for the very first time or trying to acquire a kid custody modification seek, seek help of a lawyer. If you have to fight for legal custody, it is necessary to have quality legal support to guard your parental relationship. Legal custody refers to the responsibility of creating all decisions about the kid, whereas physical custody refers to where the kid will live. Put simply, residential custody is the point where the kid lives. If you're denied physical custody, we can function to secure visitation rights that will permit you to have quality parenting time with your child and permit your relationship to thrive. Physical custody determines where the youngster will live. Joint physical custody happens when a kid lives with both parents.

Parents frequently have various approaches to child-rearing. At times it is seen that when the parents have opted to divorce, then they don't cooperate with one another even in the subject of child. In New York, parents who can't agree how their son or daughter needs to be raised can find a kid custody order.

The Downside Risk of Child Custody Lawyers Brisbane

Whenever you have the youngster, you've got physical custody. Issues like where the children will go to primary or higher school and healthcare treatments are typical regions of disagreement. He or she is the client and the attorney tries to win the case for the child. According to the American Bar Association, if he or she is unable to express his or her wishes, the attorney's duty is to represent the best interests if the child. Your children have the right to devote time with you regardless of what your former partner may have to say. Do everything you can to demonstrate that you support your kid's loving relationships with other folks. If you have kids, you will also need forms concerning custody, child support and parenting arrangements.

In some instances, parents find it impossible to agree on a custody arrangement, and the decision has to be made by means of a judge. Unless a parent is deemed unfit, or if there's a history of domestic violence in the house, sole custody isn't a realistic goal in North Carolina. When they work out their own schedules, they can look at what they believe is best for the children and their own schedules. In the majority of cases, they share legal custody with each having the right to participate in the decision-making process regarding the minor child and to access records related to the child.

Furthermore, the other parent might try to earn accusation to achieve the upper hand in court like abuse to acquire sole custody. You will have to demonstrate that you're an active, caring parent.
If you decide to retain an attorney, you don't require a high-priced one. Your lawyer can assist you to choose whether you would like to plead guilty to the charge or whether you want to fight it. Child custody lawyers specialize in helping clients that are facing any matter or problem linked to child custody. Our Washington child custody attorneys see that the health and well-being of your children have the utmost value to you.

Vital Pieces of Child Custody Lawyers Brisbane

Sometimes a lawyer is appointed to represent the kid. Naturally, the fear of losing your child custody case is precisely why employing an expert child custody attorney is the most significant step you'll be able to make when fighting for your son or daughter! Child custody law is complex, so to find the very best result obtaining the assistance of a skilled Aberdeen attorney who practices child custody law is crucial. A seasoned lawyer could best tell you exactly what to expect in your divorce or child support hearing. Therefore it's crucial that you speak with a skilled California child custody lawyer. 

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Whispered Brisbane Family Lawyers Secrets

Brisbane family lawyers
You don't just get one particular lawyer you receive a group of lawyers who give you the advantage of their unique strengths. You ought in order to know you can ride on your family lawyer for quality representation. Coming to find a family lawyer about your separation and the problems that follow does not indicate you are going to end up in Court. Some folks think that their family lawyers are made to manage all types of cases and thus they go to their close relative lawyer for support. Brisbane family lawyers will use the help of counsellors and psychologists whenever they're required as a way to attain a great outcome for kids that are suffering from various potential family difficulties, including separation and violence within the family. Our solicitor will evaluate your family law situation at no cost. Caldwell Solicitors believe that families shouldn't be pressured into conversations or fees which do not provide important recompense.

The War Against Brisbane Family Lawyers

Firstly it would not be possible for each and every BO or company owner (eCosway member) to have their own shop. MLM companies, however, usually just have a concise description on their company on the front page and after thatyou need to be a member to see the remaining portion of the website. Several businesses hire lawyers whose sole objective is to fight the instances of a compensation as a way to prevent increases in insurance expenses or being required to pay associates who lack the capacity to get the job done. If you're managing a huge company with deep pockets, your Brisbane attorney will be in a position to go after a much greater settlement than if you're going after a little company or individual. Clear communication Some law firms think it is smart or necessary to fill the customer with jargon and complicated language.

Source: Brisbane Family Law Blog

Sunday, 18 November 2018

Three Family Law Cases

Building the ‘business relationship’ of parenting

The kids and I are fine… but I dread talking to my ex!

Studies have shown that after separation you may have a lot of different feelings towards your ex-partner, or be left with guilt or anger. These feelings can last several years, particularly if you found the break-up difficult and hard to accept.

Meanwhile, you are probably trying to be a good parent. Fighting with the other parent makes it hard for both of you. The effect on children may include anxiety and distress or problems at school. None of these are positive outcomes.

What can I do to change the way we relate?

  • Get support for yourself. Being able to sort through your own feelings will put you in a better position to discuss your children with their other parent.
  • It may help to build a relationship with your ex by considering it as simply as like that of workmates — for the sake of the children. A positive business relationship will lead to more and better quality time between you and your children — even if you never resolve all your arguments!

Your actions speak louder than words. Treat their other parent how you’d like to be treated yourself.

How do I talk to my ex about the kids?

Finding new ways to talk to the other parent can be difficult. It can be harder to respect each other’s point of view than when you were together. But it is worth it. Children feel reassured when they know their mum and dad can calmly discuss the best way to look after them. Your kids need your support in getting on with their own lives knowing they’re not caught in the middle.

If you can’t spend a few minutes chatting at the end of contact or at a school function, you can practice being respectful, saying hello, and avoiding conflict (in public)!

Kids appreciate it when mum and dad ‘try getting on with one another’. If you can, talk in a relaxed, neutral place such as a local coffee shop or cafe. This way you are both more likely to be polite with one another. If you live a far distance apart then make a time to talk on the phone (when the kids aren’t around to listen in).

Remember you are trying to build a relationship with your ex for your children’s benefit!

How to build a relationship with your ex partnerWe’re meeting soon. How can I make sure it goes OK?

Arrange the time and place without involving the children. Have a game plan to help you stay on track. Prepare some notes you can look at.

Before the meeting:

  • Agree in advance what the meeting is about.
  • Talk away from the children.
  • Conduct phone calls when they are out at sport or visiting friends.

At the meeting:

  • Stay calm — you’re both good at pushing each other’s buttons.
  • Don’t get stuck arguing about the past.
  • Stick to what you have agreed.
  • Agree on the easy things first.
  • If you lose track, look at your notes. Otherwise, you could say something you’ll regret.
  • End the meeting by finding something positive to say about the kids.

In case of conflict:

  • Stop and think — is this helping or making things worse?
  • Decide — do you need outside help so you can talk about the children?
  • Consider counseling or mediation — talk to someone whose job it is to help parents sort out issues.

What else can I do to prepare to build a relationship with your ex?

  • Remember you are parents for life… maybe even grandparents! If talking to the other parent is difficult, sometimes a trusted go-between can be helpful. Be sensitive about who you use.
  • Don’t be surprised if things work out very differently to how you expect. Let your words and actions show that you are committed to parenting for the long-haul.
  • Try different approaches in the way you relate until you find what works. Be open to changes as the children grow older.

Things you can both do:

  • Accept that the relationship has ended.
  • Listen. We all need to feel heard.
  • Give it time.
  • Plan not to be angry forever.
  • Accept the other parent’s new choices.
  • Support the other parent the way you would like to be supported

REMEMBER: The best gift you can give your kids is TIME and EFFORT

If you are feeling the uncertainty of dealing with legal conflict or having difficulty to build a relationship with your ex and wish to speak with an experienced family lawyer in Brisbane then please contact our offices on 1800 217 217 to arrange a FREE 20-minute consultation or email

We look forward to helping you resolve your issue with clarity and expedience to keep you Ahead of the Game.


The post How to build a relationship with your ex appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyer.

from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Three Family Law Cases

For your kids’ sake and your own sanity.

Relentless Demands and/ or Useless Communication

Whether you’ve been separated/ divorced for 6 months or 6 years, the constant calls, texts, and emails haven’t stopped. He/ she has elected themselves as your primary advisor on all things ‘parenting’ including education, scheduling, and religion. You get minute-to-minute coverage on all the great things they’re doing for the kids, and even how bright their future is looking in the other home.

The-BIG-Signs-You-Should-Stop-Trying-To-Co-parent-With-Your-ExManipulation Of The Children

Your kids likely know as much or more about your court case than you. They’re told that their ‘negative’ attributes (i.e. bad attitudes, heavy bodies, poor coordination, etc) come from you, or your side of the family. The kids talk a lot about big promises that never seem to materialise (i.e. “My mum is taking me to Disneyland” or “My dad is buying me a new XYZ Awesome thing…”). Your kids are emotional caregivers to your ex, and consistently put aside their own wants or needs to make mum or dad feel better (possibly even to a point where they are uncomfortable voicing their own opinions). You kids are visibly anxious or uncomfortable when you or your family try to speak to them, or show physical attention (eye contact, hugs, etc) with your ex or the ex’s family present (unlike vice versa).

Manipulation Of The Scheduling

This is also manipulation of the children but needs a separate category. You’re constantly being asked to change the agreed upon schedule. Your ex ‘wants’ extra time, while you’re to forfeit your time with your children. Promises to ‘make up’ this time never happens. If you do give an inch (seemingly in the best interest of your kids), they take a mile, and the demands become increasingly unbearable. The courts will likely be involved at some point if this situation keeps happening. Activities are scheduled on your parenting time, and when you cannot or will comply with the ex’s perfected plans, you’re punished through your kids when they are disappointed by something that never should have been scheduled in the first place.

Invisible Battles

These are all tactics of personality disordered individuals. Your ex is likely fighting an invisible battle within themselves that you will never understand. Stop trying. The best thing you can do, for the sake of your children, is to recognise that you cannot co-parent with your ex. In this case, your ex can only counter-parent. There is no such thing as “the best interest of the child” because the child exists for them to use as needed to meet their own ends.

Parallel Parenting

And, if they’re doing these things, these ends are to hurt you. Get your boundaries straight. Learn to parallel parent. And above all else, you may consider petitioning to a court for intervention to go no contact. This may be what’s best for your kids.

For more specific information about your options, talk to a qualified and experienced family lawyer about co-parenting arrangements on 1800 217 217.

The post The BIG Signs You Should Stop Trying To Co-parent With Your Ex appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyer.

from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Three Family Law Cases

You want to be able to continue having a great relationship with your kids after separation. This means you must focus on the kids rather than on your ex-partner. You still need to be parents together, rather than partners.

Separation is often a time of conflict between adults. This is very damaging to children. It can also put at risk having a strong bond and a close relationship with your kids. If violent, abusive and destructive behaviors are affecting your relationship – seek help fast.

You can do something about this!

Not all parents are able to continue a relationship with their children after separation and divorce. There are no easy solutions to these difficult situations. Talk to somehow whose job it is to help sort out issues before they progress further.Quick Tips for Parents Spending Time Away From Their Children

Some quick tips:

  • Become more involved in your children’s lives
  • build stronger relationships with your children
  • Communicate effectively with the other parent about the children
  • Try to overcome problems by staying in touch even when far away

Ask yourself:

  • What sort of parent do I want to be?
  • What kind of thoughts do I want my children to have of me?
  • How can I become a better role model for my kids?

Many people have had the experience of parenting from a distance and each has had to tackle the hard questions personally. Whatever you are going through, we can tell you that things can change for the better through the passage of time.

Don’t lose touch.

Breaking up can be bad enough without the thought of losing touch with your children’s day-to-day lives.

You are feeling the loss of that everyday contact and you believe your children miss you too. You may not always be sure of the best way to be involved with them. So what can you do?

  • Work on your relationship with the children. Every day.
  • Aim to minimise the conflict with their other parent.
  • Look after yourself.
  • Remember – you are important to your children so make contact, and hang in there for them!

Would they be better off without you?

No way! Even if you live a long way from your children, you are still their parent. No matter who your children live with, they need and deserve to know that they are loved and wanted by both of their parents.

Children can be frightened by the strong emotions that often come from parental break-ups. You may have to work to regain their trust. Your children need to feel safe with you. This can take time.

Studies support the importance of children generally having both parents in their lives. This helps their self-esteem and their success in life as they get the benefit of both parents’ strengths and experiences.

Remember – you cannot be replaced by a new partner or by anyone else.

If you are seeking advice on your best approach to arranging a split parenting arrangement, then speak to an experienced family lawyer today at Aylward Game Solicitors Brisbane on 1800 217 217.

The post Quick Tips for Parents Spending Time Away From Their Children appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyer.

from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Three Family Law Cases


The Federal Government announced earlier today that the Federal Circuit Court of Australia and Family Court of Australia will be merging, to be known as the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. The new Court will be operational from 1st January 2019.

The announcement is a response to calls for change to the Australian Family Law system that has been plagued by longer delays than usual in recent years.

The new Court will be a “one stop shop” for all Family Law disputes. By creating a single point of entry for all disputes, the Federal Government hopes there will be greater consistency in the determination of disputes as well as reduced waiting times for matters to proceed to final hearing.

Mr Christian Porter, the Federal Attorney General, made the announcement earlier today and explained that “Despite the number of cases filed each year remaining relatively static over the past five years, the number of Family Law matters awaiting resolution has grown from 17,000 to 21,000 and the median time taken to reach trial has grown in both Courts from 10.8 months to 15.2 months in the Federal Circuit Court and 11.5 months to 17 months in the Family Court”. These are alarming statistics given the nature of Family Law proceedings, particularly where those proceedings involve children.

The Federal Government estimates that the reforms have the potential to allow up to an extra 8,000 cases to be resolved each year. Mr Porter stated “We have a responsibility to ensure that systems in place to assist those families who cannot resolve matters without legal intervention are as efficient as possible and that the system itself does not exacerbate the trauma of family breakup, especially for children.

If the proposed changes improve the efficiency of our Family Law system, it is hoped that litigation will become less costly for those involved by having matters finalised in shorter time frames. Whilst resolving matters without litigation is generally the preferred option, it is unavoidable in some circumstances. For those who find themselves in Family Law litigation in the future, these changes may reduce the stress and difficulties involved in the process.

The team of Family Lawyers at Aylward Game Solicitors appear regularly in both the Federal Circuit Court of Australia and the Family Court of Australia. If you and your partner have recently separated and you need advice regarding your circumstances, call now and speak with an experienced lawyer on 1800 217 217 or email for more information.

The post Merge of FCC and Family Court appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyer.

from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Three Family Law Cases


This creates a great deal of financial and emotional stress for all parties concerned.  For example in a matter we are dealing with the parties had agreed to mediation to resolve the financial difficulties arising from the break down in their marriage.   The mediator and the sharing of the Mediator’s fees had been agreed upon by both parties.  A date was even appointed for this mediation.

However, there is a requirement laid down by the legislation that full and proper disclosure of all relevant financial documents must be made by each party.  Such disclosure is essential if a mediation is to take place.

Despite numerous requests by our client, the husband, the wife refused to make such disclosure.  There were allegations that the wife lived an elaborate lifestyle and enjoyed many and varied overseas holidays.  She admitted that she was engaged as a nurse at 3 hospitals and did earn a substantial income.  She was reluctant to disclose the details of the income she received and as later discovered had not submitted her income tax returns for many years.

The numerous letters exchanged between the parties solicitors added to the legal costs for both parties.

The mediation fell over.  Time periods for filing applications into Court came into play and it was necessary for our client to file an application in the Family Court seeking orders for property settlement to reserve the rights of the parties to bring such application.  These proceedings were filed and served.  An order was sought for the wife, the Respondent to the proceedings, to make full disclosure of her financial documents within a period of 14 days.

As well the wife had ignored the Family Court jurisdiction and did not file her necessary Court documents in response to our client’s application.  Orders were made for her to do so within a period of 7 days.

The costs incurred by both parties were increased as a result of the wife’s non-compliance.

Needless to say, the wife did not file her court documents nor make disclosure of her financial documents as ordered.

A further application was required for the wife to comply with the previous orders.  Our client sought an order for the wife to pay his costs for this application.  Such order was made by the Court.  We are presently awaiting her compliance with these orders.

What happens next?

Eventually, orders will be made in her absence if she fails to comply with the Court orders and further costs will be awarded against her which costs will be paid out of any settlement she may receive.  She will be the loser in the end.

These are some of the frustrations that lawyers incur in family-related matters.

Contact us

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from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Three Family Law Cases

When it comes to the break down of a relationship that culminates in separation and divorce, the division of property, assets and accumulated debt can become a real sticking point for many former couples. Divorce is stressful and emotional enough as it is without the burden of having to negotiate over material goods and finances, much of which might have been a major thorn in the side of the relationship and the very catalyst for the breakup.

In this post we’ll briefly cover some helpful tips that are designed to reduce the stress levels during this sometimes difficult process and make for a more amicable settlement.

Understand Your Rights

If you are going through a divorce or de facto separation, or you believe you’re on the brink of doing so, then seeking professional legal advice from experts in family law is the wisest course of action. You will want to know exactly where you stand with everything regarding your combined assets and liabilities, so you won’t be left in the dark. Understanding your rights and what you’re entitled too will lift a great burden from your mind, so you can at least be clear about that particular aspect of the separation process.

Prenuptial Agreements

This point will obviously be dependent on whether a prenuptial agreement was in place at the start of the relationship. If there wasn’t, then it’ll be a moot point. If you and your partner did have a prenup in place, then the process of dividing assets, land, possessions, finances and liabilities will be simplified no end. It will speed up the entire process, allowing both you and your ex partner to get on with other things.

Keep It Fair

In the heat of the moment, when emotions are very raw, many couples can be prone to either greed, or wanting to have more than their fair share simply out of spite. There are really two choices here. You can try and keep the split as fair and civil as possible. Or, if that’s just not going to happen, then the division of assets will be settled in the courts, making the process more stressful and more expensive.

Not everyone is able to think logically during an emotionally charged separation, but if you can manage to keep personal vendettas out of the equation, the easier the process will be.

Avoid the Courts If You Can

No doubt most people would prefer a peaceful mediation to determine the outcome of a property settlement. It’s a far more preferable proposition to battling it out in the courts. With the help of a family law specialist and expert mediation, you should be able to avoid going before the judge. And that’s really the best overall outcome.

Seek Specialist Legal Advice

For the fairest and most stress-free resolution to a property settlement, seek mediation through a specialist family law firm. In Brisbane, the team you can count on to get results is Aylward Game Solicitors.

The post Simplify the Division of Assets With These Top Tips appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyer.

from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Three Family Law Cases

Separation and divorce is a stressful and very confusing period of life. Stress levels are exacerbated even further when children are involved. Many marriages and de facto relationships that break down will have children in the equation, and it certainly makes a clean separation that much more complicated. And divorce is difficult enough without one parent refusing visitation rights to the other. But can anyone stop you?

Can’t see your kids? What can you do?

Unless one parent is legally deemed unfit for one of a number of reasons, then both parents have the right to spend quality time with their children, whether it be a joint custody arrangement or a parenting agreement.

In a perfect world, the separation or divorce will be amicable and an agreement regarding the children will easily be reached and adhered to. However, the reality is rarely ever that neat, tidy and simple.

Let’s take a brief look at your options when it comes to child custody or visitation rights so you can spend quality time with your children.

Joint Custody or Shared Custody

In this instance the divorce has gone to the courts and child custody will be decided during legal proceedings. The result could be an even 50/50 split, where the child or children spend an equal amount of time with each parent each week or month.

Other examples of a joint custody split could see the children living with their mother from Monday through Friday, and spending their weekends with their dad, or vice versa. Or it could be one full week with the father, followed by a full week with the mother.

Often these arrangements will be dependent on a number of factors and the circumstances of each parent, such as who has the most time to spend with the children.

Parenting Plan

A parenting plan is a more informal and congenial “negotiation” between both parties. Usually mediated through a solicitor, the agreed upon parenting arrangement may or may not be lodged with the courts.

If your parenting plan was not lodged with the courts, then it’s not legally binding.

Does that mean you have no legal recourse?

No, it does not. In conjunction with your family law firm, you can still start legal proceedings for joint custody or visitation rights if one parent won’t honor the parenting plan.

If the parenting plan was lodged with the courts, and one parent refuses access to the children, then that parent is in direct violation of the legal agreement and can be forced to comply.

The same applies to a joint custody or shared custody arrangement. By law, unless there are serious mitigating circumstances such as incidences of domestic violence, both parents have to comply with the parenting agreement.

The Takeaway

Even if your split with your partner is mutual and amicable and you both want to negotiate a parenting plan, it’s always wise to have a Brisbane solicitor who specializes in family law involved to negotiate the agreement and lodge it with the courts.

In Brisbane, the law firm you can count on is Aylward Game Solicitors – your local family law specialists.

The post My Ex Won’t Let Me See My Children appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyer.

from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Three Family Law Cases

Just the very word “divorce” is scary for many people. Thoughts of never-ending legal battles and disputes between the separating parties is often how most people view an impending divorce lawyer, followed up by opposing lawyers grinding it out in lengthy courtroom proceedings.

But does it always have to be that way? Can a divorce be settled in a more congenial fashion that doesn’t involve the courtroom?

Well, in order for a divorce to be official, it does have to pass through the court system, so you can’t avoid it altogether, but that doesn’t mean you have to make an appearance in court yourself or attend divorce proceedings. If children are involved, then it is certainly advisable to make an appearance, though.

What people associate with divorce is legal battles over the division of property and the custody of children? They envision drawn-out courtroom antics reminiscent of a Hollywood legal drama. In some circumstances this in unavoidable where both parties really can’t reach an agreement, but in most cases, it doesn’t have to be this way.

With the assistance of expert mediation services, much of the courtroom dilemma can be avoided, and it’s far better for everyone involved if this is the case. Of course, this scenario is largely dependent on both parties being keen to cooperate and reach a mutually beneficial agreement. If they are, then most of the negotiations can be kept out of the courtroom and a compromise settled on during mediation with each party assisted by their legal representative.

An example of  “Divorce Mediation”

If a parenting plan can be agreed upon through mediation, then this will avoid any bitter custody battles being fought out in court. The same goes for the division of any property or assets acquired during the relationship.

While it’s not always easy to reach a compromise that everyone is happy with, if it can be done through mediation processes, it’s a far more palatable outcome than hammering out a settlement before the judge.

Divorce is painful and stressful enough without having to endure lengthy court battles to come to an agreement. Mediation sessions are a far more congenial environment for establishing an outcome that both parties can live with. While dealing with the court system cannot be avoided entirely, it can certainly be minimized to the bare essentials.

Your Local Mediation or Divorce Lawyer Experts Can Assist

Aylward Game Solicitors in Brisbane have been specializing in family law for 80 cumulative years. That’s a lot of experience for you to call on. You can make a consultation with a divorce lawyer for this.

So, before considering taking your divorce directly into the courtroom, first discuss your situation with one of out sympathetic and highly experienced representatives. If your estranged spouse is agreeable to the mediation process, you can avoid most of the courtroom drama and come to an amicable and acceptable arrangement in a more relaxed manner.

First, seek expert legal advice so you are made fully aware of the options available to you. Make an appointment today on 1800 217 217.

The post How To Get Divorced Without Going To Court appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyer.

from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Three Family Law Cases

There are not many circumstances in life that can be as stressful as going through a separation or divorce. It’s a very personal and emotional time, made even harder if you didn’t want the separation. Many people experience separation anxiety, a sense of loss or failure. There might also be feelings of bitterness, as well as the endless series of “what if” questions. Make sure you find the right divorce lawyer Brisbane.

These are all very natural responses and often form a part of the healing process as well.

Dealing with the emotional pain of a relationship breakdown can be helped with these top tips.

Don’t Be Afraid To Feel

Following a breakup, you will go through an entire spectrum of emotions. Healing actually depends on allowing yourself to feel them and work through them, leading to eventual acceptance of the situation. Bottling up these feelings will likely have the opposite result and could just lead to a deep-seated resentment and bitterness that won’t let go and allow you to move on emotionally. Realise that you can’t control everything in life and the outcome and don’t continually blame yourself.

Stay Active

There’s nothing quite like regular activity to keep your mind and body busy. Things like exercise will increase the flow of feel-good endorphins, leading to a much better frame of mind. This isn’t about being so busy that you don’t have time to feel. It’s all about being positive and learning how to move on with your life with a positive mindset.

Drowning Your Sorrows Is Not a Good Idea

Going out and getting drunk may feel good for a few hours as the alcohol helps to numb the pain, but your problems will still be there when you sober up; only now you have to deal with a hangover as well. People often do dumb things when they’re drunk too, such as sending text messages to their ex that they wouldn’t send if they were sober.

Set the Bitterness Free

It doesn’t really matter who was at fault. The important thing now is to be able to heal and move on. Harboring bitter thoughts and deep-seated anger will only slow down the healing process. Even if it might be the truth, blaming your ex for your current circumstances is not going to help you have a better life. It’s entirely your choice now whether you’re prepared to move on to better things or not.

Don’t Go It Alone

Don’t suffer in silence. Seek moral support and even guidance from those that care about you the most; your family and friends. While you will need some quiet time to yourself to deal with how you feel, spending too much time alone can be counter-productive. Be uplifted by those who have your best interests at heart.

Know Your Rights

Whether the relationship was a marriage or de facto arrangement, if children and/or property are involved, then you will need to seek legal counsel from a specialist family law firm. In Brisbane, talk with the experts at Aylward Game Solicitors. Make an appointment for a free consultation today and Stay Ahead of the Game.

The post 6 Top Tips To Overcome the Stress of Divorce appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyer.

from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Friday, 23 March 2018

Three Family Law Cases

Trying to find the right family lawyer can be a bit of a minefield. Get it wrong and you’ll just be wasting money on a Brisbane family law firm that’s not right for you. In this article, we’ll look at what makes a good family lawyers Brisbane and offer tips on how to choose the right firm for your specific needs.

Choose a Law Firm That Deals with Family Lawyers Brisbane

In the legal world there are many specialties, and therefore not all firms focus on family law specifically. If your circumstances require a family law expert, then the wisest choice of action is to seek out a law firm that demonstrates a commitment to family law and has a deep understanding of this particular jurisdiction. Delicate issues such as property settlement, child support and parenting agreements require the services of a firm that not only sympathizes but also has in-depth knowledge of the court processes involved.

Experience Is Everything

While every new law firm deserves a chance, it’s in your best interests to choose a solicitor that has many years of experience practicing family law. After all, why trust the outcome of your situation to a law firm that is yet unproven? Family law is a highly specialized field, and it takes a solicitor with experience to understand your dilemma and offer the most appropriate solution.

Seek Personal Recommendations

When people are looking for a new doctor or some other specialist service, they often seek personal recommendations from those within their inner circle. Word of mouth referrals from those who have used a particular service is the best. If you know someone who has had success with a particular family law firm, then that’s a very good starting point.

Is the Firm a Good Fit for You?

When trying to decide on a family lawyer, it’s a good idea to first chat with someone from the firm on the phone. This way you’ll get an idea of whether their style is right for you. While a particular law firm may boast an awesome track record when it comes to results for their clients, it’s imperative you feel comfortable dealing with a certain firm and, more specifically, a particular solicitor at that firm.

Is the Service Affordable?

While this point shouldn’t form the sole basis for your decision, it’s also an important point to consider. After all, there’s no point in hiring the best family lawyer you can find if you can’t afford to pay for the service. You’ll just add even more stress to a situation that’s already stressful enough.

Meet Your Lawyer In Person

Once you’ve chosen a law firm, make an appointment to meet with your new lawyer as soon as possible. Maybe even bring someone along with you to help you assess and decide if this is truly the right family lawyer for you. The sooner you meet and chat face to face, the sooner you will know.

Based in Brisbane, Aylward Game is a family law firm you can count on. We specialize in family law and have many years of experience, so call Aylward Game Solicitors first for a free case evaluation. Stay ahead of the Game, with Aylward Game Solicitors.

The post What Makes a Good Family Lawyer Brisbane stand out from the crowd? appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyer.

from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Three Family Law Cases

Quite often Buyers can become confused when looking at settlement figures leading up to settlement and often question how adjustments and figures are calculated. It is quite common for Buyers to misunderstand settlement figures and are often concerned that they are paying for the Seller’s overdue rates or water notices.

Settlement Figures – what are they?

Settlement figures are a breakdown of monies to be handed over at settlement. Normally, the seller would pay for any expenses or collect any rent until settlement and the buyer would pay any expenses and is entitled to collect rent paid after settlement.
The standard conditions of a contract will provide for any adjustments that need to be made.
Settlement adjustments allow both the seller and buyer to compensate one another for any expenses that have been paid or are in arrears during the period before and after settlement.

Let’s look at some common adjustments…

Rates, water access charges, and body corporate levies are common outgoings that are adjusted at settlement. For example – a property is due to settle on 1 February. The seller has already paid council rates for the quarter until 31 March 2018. An adjustment would be made so that buyer would pay more at settlement to compensate the seller for the rates they have paid until the end of the quarter. The buyer would be responsible to pay their portion of the rates from the settlement date until the end of the quarter.
Water Consumption calculations are adjusted depending on where the property is located. Some councils include water consumption as part of the rates, whereas other councils use a third party for water consumption charges such as Urban Utilities or Unity Water. The seller is responsible to pay for all water access and consumption charges up to settlement.
The buyer is also required to order a Special Water Meter read which will allow them to calculate the water usage and charges payable by the seller up to settlement. This amount will be deducted from the total amount the buyer is to pay at settlement by way of adjustment.
Seller’s release fee – If a seller has a mortgage on the property, the Land Titles Office will charge a fee for release of this mortgage, prior to registration of a new ownership.
The seller will compensate the buyer for this favor by way of an adjustment at settlement.

Another common question asked by a buyer is what happens to electricity at settlement? Electricity is not adjusted between the parties. The seller is responsible to cancel their account and pay the balance of electricity used and the buyer is responsible for opening a new electricity account. The seller remains liable to pay for any electricity used if the account is unpaid or not canceled by settlement, hence the reason electricity is not adjusted.

For more information on settlement figures and adjustments, for a lawyer for this issue please contact us.

The post SETTLEMENT FIGURES & ADJUSTMENTS – HOW ARE THEY CALCULATED appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyer.

from Brisbane Family Lawyer