Sunday, 8 September 2019

Three Family Law Cases

Just like any other loving and caring parent, you want to continue to have a great relationship with your child after the separation or divorce. To do this successfully, you need to realize that now you need to cooperate with your ex-spouse as a parent, not as a partner. For obvious reasons, during separation, there is conflict among the parties involved. This could be very damaging to kids. As a matter fact, one of the hardest things about divorce or separation with your spouse is worried about the effect it will have on kids and the potential risk of not having a good relationship with your kid. Separation and divorce affect a significant portion of Australian children. In 2009, there were close to 50,000 divorces granted, with nearly 25,000 of those divorces involving children under 18 years of age. Research shows that even after 10 years of separation some kids fantasize about the reunion of their parent. Here are some things, we suggest you keep in mind if you are going through a similar situation in life.

You can do something about this:

Separation and divorces are ugly and nasty, so are the stains left on the lives of the children involved in this process. First and foremost you need to realize, not every parent is able to continue their bond or even relationship with their kid. There are no easy ways out of these situations. We advise you to seek a professional’s help in this regard before the further advancement of the process.

Here are some quick tips to preserve your bond with your child in an ugly and tough situation like separation or divorce.

  •         Try to be more engage in a kid’s life.
  •         Put more effort into building a strong relationship with your kids by investing time and effort in communication.
  •         Try to remain on good terms with your ex-partner and communicate effectively about the kid.
  •         Try to involve more by finding ways to overcome the problems faced by kid even when you are not staying together.

You need to ask yourself constantly:

  •         What type of parent I want to be in my kid’s eye
  •         What kind of legacy I want to leave for my kid as a parent
  •         What do I want him to think about me

Many people have to go through this tough situation in life in which they had to try their best to be a good parent even from a distance. Whatever you are facing in life right now, we can tell you things tend to change in the long run, for the betterment.



One of the most important and much-needed advice that could be offered to you is don’t lose contact with your kid. All children lose out when parents get divorced. This the loss of access to both parents in the hour of need and it can pose serious threats to kid’s development. You always need to remember one thing, you can be an ex-partner but can never be an ex-parent. Although after separation you are experiencing loss of touch and you are sure your kid misses you as well. So here is what you can do to improve the situation.

  •         Try to put more effort into the relationship with your kid
  •         Try your best to minimize your conflicts with your ex-partners
  •         Try to look after yourself
  •         Even if you feel the loss of contact, remember you mean a lot to your kid and try to keep in touch and maintain the contact


This depression phase after the separation until the recovery period can involve a lot of miserable, pitiful thinking about yourself. At times like this, you have to keep reminding yourself two parents working it out and being functional is what is best for your child and NO they can never be better off with you. Even you do not live with your kid anymore, you are still the parent. Your kids deserve to know that they are loved and you will get to any length to make them happy. They are worth all this effort.

There is a fair chance that you lose the trust of your kid and then have to work hard to regain it. It is not just the hard work and effort which is required here but also patience because it can take time.

Various studies have suggested that children need both parents while growing up. Involvement of both parents has proven to be better for kid’s development and their self-esteem as kids learn from both parent’s experience’s in life.

Helping Kids Cope:

Helping kids cope with the trauma caused by your decision is another process that can help you to have a close bond with your kid. You need to explain to your kids that it is ok to wish for the reunion of parents but it is vital to accept the situation as it is.

Here are some ways to help kids cope:

Help them put their feelings into words:

This is very important. Kid’s behavior can give you a sneak peek into their feelings of sadness or betrayal or anger and loss of identity, in some cases. Try your best to be a good listener, even if it gets really tough to listen to them. 

Get help:

This is the best advice we can offer. We understand that the experience of divorce or separation can be traumatizing not just for your kids but also for you. It is not a time to stay separate and hide from society rather reach out to seek help. Support groups can play a major role or you can use online resources or can contact a religious leader. Using help can set a good example for your kids about adjusting to this major change.

Getting help from a therapist or a friend from emotional healing can help to set healthy boundaries with your kids. It is very important to not to lean on your kids for emotional help.


Always remember you cannot be replaced In your kid’s life, not even your partner.

The post HOW TO SPEND TIME AWAY FROM CHILDREN? appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyers.

from Brisbane Family Lawyers

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Three Family Law Cases

We often hear that clients and potential clients would prefer to not “waste money” on cheap family lawyers when there has been a family breakdown, separation, or dispute.

Whilst that is in some respects an understandable sentiment (because who wants to waste money on anything, right?). There are, however, a number of reasons why that might not necessarily always be the correct assumption when engaging an experienced family lawyer.

To understand some of the reasons to engage an experienced family lawyer, let’s first consider some of the reasons why people may wish to avoid it.

Ending arguments.

Sometimes one person attempts to insist on that approach because they are seeking to put pressure on the other person to accept a particular outcome, and they don’t want any challenge to what might be an unsuitable outcome. Another concern that we hear is that engaging lawyers inevitably means that there will be an argument that will end up in Family Law Court. That depends on the lawyer and the client. Our team of Brisbane Family Lawyers at Aylward Game Solicitors we will help you to stay out of the Court if that is possible.

Different mistakes.

At other times not obtaining legal advice can be a mistake for different reasons. There may be legal consequences that you are simply not aware of. There may be some alternative options or possibilities that you simply are not aware of, and an experienced and skilled family lawyer may be able to assist you to develop some other alternative outcomes. There are sometimes tax or duty exemptions that you may be able to take advantage of. Cheap family lawyers simply have no experience in this area.

In other situations, the family breakdown can be a highly emotional and distressing time. A good family lawyer can provide you with impartial and dispassionate advice that may help you to avoid making emotionally charged or hasty decisions that you will later come to regret.

At Aylward Game Solicitors we prioritise providing sensible, practical advice, with a focus on seeking a negotiated, agreed resolution wherever possible. Rather than keeping the lawyers out of the picture altogether, we prefer to think it would be better to keep the wrong lawyers out of the picture. Rather than wasting money on the wrong advice, or missing out on entitlements the right advice would give you, invest in an experienced, practical family lawyer. 

To book an initial consultation with one of our family lawyers, call, us on 1800 217 217

The post Stop Wasting Money On Cheap Family Lawyers appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyers.

from Brisbane Family Lawyers

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Three Family Law Cases

Not only having a divorce is hurtful for both the partners involved but it is also more than a setback for the children.  Often, they feel as if they are caught up in between. Over and above that, the stress can put a serious impact on their academic performance.

Furthermore, there is a higher tendency that school remains unnoticed when your child is caught up in divorce. Or else, they can help your child better!

However, the teachers observe your child on a daily basis. Possibly, they can always see your child in a way you don’t, that is, while communicating with fellows, participating in class or when playing in the ground.     

In fact, they will not try to be partial but probably want to help your kids. This is for the reason that your child’s case is not the first ever case happened in the school.


Because the centres would (CDC) claims the divorce rate in the United States of America is noticeably 3.2 per 1,000 individuals. Hence, odds are that the school came across and dealt with alike cases before. As a whole, it actually stinks being a sandwich between two divorcing parties, in turn, affecting your child’s grades and his/her overall academic performance.

Do you want to save your child from failing in school? Read on to discover some immensely helpful tips as provided by the experts.     

1. Consider What’s Best for Your Kids First:

Parents should pay heed mainly to what is best for their kids. Not only the authors and family counselors but parents, as well as children suffering from acrimonies of divorce, agree upon the fact. Moreover, they offer many useful tips to aid divorced families to help their children to ace in academia.    

Mary Lynn Crow, a professor at the University of Texas and an authorized clinical psychologist says divorce can make you feel as if your entire world is smashed.  Since divorce can cause severe turmoil and fears, there’s a likelihood for divorced parents to focus on survival in the first place according to her. She further adds that having the support for kids is something positive on which parents can focus. On top of that, it can sometimes be helpful in easing the tension of divorce and to benefit the kids.                  

  • Communication and Co-Parenting:

Being a divorced parent and a GreatSchool’s senior editor, Marian Wilde says that divorce can be good and bad similar to bad and good marriages.


Wondering about how can there be a good divorce? As a matter of fact, it’s the persisting co-parenting and communication with each other which makes a divorce good one.

Pondering over what needs to be communicated? It includes talking about your child’s homework, keeping in view its submission date, considering if your child requires your signature on a permission slip and so on.

Doing all these little things seem to be hard particularly if it’s your divorce’s first year. This is because you have to pay attention to the different arrangements as well as deal with lawyers.

Nonetheless, it’s equally important to keep an eye on what’s going on with your kids. Adding to it, she also says that the relations between families become better with the time.     

2. Go Well-Planned:

In order to lessen the conflict, ensure compatibility with everybody regarding expectations and help your kids to concentrate on school. For that purpose, planning effectively can do the work. 

Therefore, what parents should keep into consideration is inclusive of:

  • Having vivid and one-to-one communication with tutors
  • Making household policies with respect to TV and homework
  • Deciding who will attend school events and how they’ll maintain a balance.


3. Take into Account Post-School Activities:

Crow suggests considering the after-school activities of your child by sitting together. It’s better to jointly schedule what would be the first and last activity of your child as he/she comes home from school. Such as having meals, watching TV or playing games, doing homework, etc. 

If there is a requirement, parents can also seek help from a mediator for devising an unconflicted plan with regards to post-school activities. 

Apart from this, parents require showing concern for older kids as well. Be it deciding which college to get enrollment, which subjects their child should choose, or who’ll pay the tuition fee, it asks for mutual commitment.

4. Seek Support from School’s Counselors:

Parents also need to rely on the school. Their child truly requires emotional support during the turmoil of divorce. Luckily, there are Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) or counselors in most schools in the present times. Getting help from them can be beneficial for your child so he/she could cope with harsh and hard circumstances with the inclusion of divorce.

If there’s a school psychologist available, your child can work with him/her to openly spill out the bitter feelings. Oftentimes, such harsh circumstances at a young age can limit their potentials and be caught up in self-blame. In such conditions, a child psychologist at school can help you understand what your child needs and how to fulfill them. Instead, you can better explain the situation and make them feel normal about it.


5. Consistency in the Expectations and Provision of Support:

Having consistent expectations and rules as well as providing support is vital according to Crow.

National Family Resiliency Center’s executive director, Risa Garon says that parents need to be accommodating when they see their child is stressed out. Risa is also the author of Stop this nonsense ! In the name of for you child love !


To serve the purpose, help your child in doing his/her homework or letting him/her share what has happened in the school that day.  

Additionally, children who go through a divorce requires having discipline. This is because discipline and consistent parental expectations offer structure and security. 

6. Set a Time for Discussion as Colleagues:

When it comes to helping the child to succeed in his/her school, parents need communicating as co-parents as per Garon.

In order to be emotionless meanwhile helping your child to get through a divorce, perceive the co-parent just like your colleague, she adds.   

To accomplish this purpose, communicating once a week and that too away from the kid is necessary.

Let me quote a short story of a young girl here who talked about her parent’s divorce.  She said, while in school, she remembers how broken she used to feel when she heard her parents being hostile on call. All the hurt feelings made her bitter and she developed negative thoughts about her mother.

Coming back to the point, the sole focus of parents should be on the factors required to let their child succeed in the school during the discussion. What’s more, it’s also advisable to decide upon the topics of discussions ahead of time to make the most out of your conversation.

More importantly, the discussion requires to be respectful, brief and without any warring. 

7. Reconsider Your Child’s Activities with Maturity:

As the child grows up, change the activities as per your child needs. Lewis and Summon, the author of Don’t Divorce Your Children, suggest a room for improvement in activities to cater to the needs of the child. Following a non-flexible routine can definitely bore the child, cause lack of interest, and may even lead to wastage of all your efforts for the little one. You have to play with the young mind.

As the child grows, get him involved in the plan as well. When does he want to meet his peers, do some artwork, or work on the computer? Let him/her decide or suggest.

8. Spend Time With Your Child:

It’s necessary for the child to spend time with both his/her mother and father in view of Crow.   

Distribution of time wisely would facilitate not only the kids but the parents also.

According to William Sammons and Jennifer Lewis, parents should spend time in chunks with their kids.  


Adding to this, they also suggest consulting fellows who have had a divorce to allow flexibility in the plan. Also, it would help you to figure out what is workable for you.

Notably, the nesting arrangement has worked for some parents. In this arrangement, the child resides in the family home and the parents go back and forth to a separate house.  

On the flip side, it’s the desire of some parents that their kids should visit their other parent once or two times a week. While the kids should live in their primary house.  This would be more feasible in case the residences of both parents are nearer. However, to make this approach a successful one, your child needs to be well-organized. Otherwise frequent shifting from one place to the other can let him/her lose some precious items or your child may miss doing his/her assignment too.     

All in all, there is not a single solution that is flawless or workable in every situation.

Final Verdict:

All in all, never neglect your child during your separation. Children are sensitive to their surroundings and negative energies; therefore, maintain a positive, caring, and loving environment around them. Even if you’ve decided for the divorce, protect your sapling from the burning heat of the sun!

Hopefully, by employing the provided tips and tricks, you can prevent your child from shying away or even losing grades in class.

The post Children Caught Up in Divorce: Help Your School to Help Your Child appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyers.

from Brisbane Family Lawyers

Friday, 19 July 2019

Dubai Introduces Greater Transparency and Purchaser Protection Into It's Property Laws

Dubai Property Law and freehold: Overview:

Before 1999 Non-GCC exiles inhabitant in Dubai were just allowed to lease or possess property under UAE government law affirmed 99-year leasehold interests.

In 2002 - the Dubai government reported that it would allow ostracizes to possess freehold property in chose ventures - and in a flash made the Dubai global property segment.

Prior ventures had been initiated by the Dubai Government possessed or part claimed Emaar and Nakheel Properties.

Emaar began with Dubai Marina in 1999 - and later with the Emirates Living Community ventures - Emirates Hills, The Meadows, The Springs, The Lakes, and The Views - which were at first offered on a leasehold premise - and along these lines on a freehold premise.

In May 2002 - Dubai's at that point Crown Prince General Sheik Mohammed receptacle Rashid Al Maktoum - marked a declaration allowing outsider financial specialists including neighborhood occupants - to purchase and possess freehold property in chose ventures - and the Dubai property segment quickly developed in size and significance following this.

Nakheel simultaneously propelled the Palm Jumeirah - as a freehold venture - and all recently created leasehold property was consequently changed over to freehold.

The new 2002 freehold approach - and the choice by the real government claimed ace designers - to subdivide ace plots into individual sub plots available to be purchased to different engineers opened the market to new contestants, for example,

Damac Properties,

Dubai Properties,


Estimated time of arrival Star Properties,

Association Property.

Despite the fact that the freehold advancement strategy was reported in 1999 - it was not authoritatively consolidated into the law until the fourteenth of March 2006 - when the Dubai government provided a law approving outside responsibility for in assigned undertaking regions of Dubai

With the freehold property law as a result - any property bought by an outsider is recorded under his or her name forever - and this empowers the property to be enrolled with the Dubai Government Lands Department.

The proprietor at that point has full rights over the utilization and ownership of the property including the privilege to sell, rent or lease it.

Enlistment of property including off arrangement units: Law no 14:

Law no 14 became effective in Dubai in October 2008 - and requires all off-plan units to be enrolled with Dubai Lands Department - which will make the Dubai land advertise a more secure spot for home buyers and financial specialists - and reacts to past protests from speculators - particularly off-plan financial specialists.

The new law likewise builds up a required strategy pertinent to any engineer looking to end a deal and buy contract.

The new property law necessitates that the clearance of all off-plan properties be completely enlisted with the Land Department before they can be exchanged.

This will have a characteristic abating impact on the rate at which any property can be liable to theory - and be flipped and exchanged.

The enlistment data must include:

the name of the buyer and the seller;

the estimation of the property;

the area of the property;

any important home loan or installment plan subtleties;

the installment history and expenses paid and chargeable.

Any deal that isn't enlisted will be viewed as void - and thusly unenforceable in any official courtroom.

An interval enrollment law became effective on August 31 2008 - giving that any possession change of off-plan properties in Dubai will be invalid if not enlisted in RERA's Interim Register.

Upon enrollment - every enlisted deal are then formally recorded in the Land Department Register.

Deal exchanges executed under the watchful eye of the law happened are not exempted - and must be enrolled inside 60 days of the laws authorization.

The law will likewise forestall corrupt designers and specialists charging move expenses - despite the fact that they will in any case have the option to charge organization expenses which will be topped - and just payable upon the Land Department's enrollment of the deal.

So awful news for examiners - as the enrollment technique will hinder the market - however uplifting news for mortgage holders and long haul property financial specialists who will have a very much secured title under a Torrens enlistment framework like that set up in Australia.

The new home loan law:

The new home loan law - which became effective on October 30 2008 - states that home loans will be invalid if not enrolled at the Dubai Land Department or the new Interim Real Estate Register - and it sets out all systems concerning a home loan and its legitimate impacts on the gatherings to it.

It likewise incorporates execution strategies for the sold property - and endorsed legitimate direct between the bank and the borrower.

The home loan law is intended to give more noteworthy guideline inside the Dubai property market to secure purchasers.

Under law 14 a home loan may just be offered by an enrolled budgetary establishment - like a bank or money organization - and the home loan is required to be completely guaranteed.

Each home loan must be enlisted with the Land Department - the subtleties required for enrollment being:

the measure of the home loan;

the estimation of the property being sold;

the name of the individual to whom the cash has been loaned;

what's more, the reimbursement time frame and terms.

Land Regulatory Authority [RERA]:

Changes of Dubai's land part's guidelines began in July 2007, when a Real Estate Regulatory Authority [RERA] was set up in Dubai to set strategies and to make consciousness of rights and duties in the property division.

The Strata Law:

The Strata Law was issued and became effective on March 31, 2008. It characterizes the obligation of property proprietors and engineers in the administration of basic regions in multi-proprietor improvements, as gated networks and loft structures.

Dubai Property Court:

Another pro Dubai Property Court was built up in September 2008 - exclusively to settle over property questions.

It is probably going to lessen the remaining task at hand of RERA - which since it's arrangement - has been overwhelmed by property cases - including numerous for engineer venture deferrals and resistance with the property designer's unique portrayal.

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Friday, 21 June 2019

How to Begin Investing in Property

The complexities of the property venture and home loan procedures ought not discourage potential speculators from digging into property speculation. Property speculation can be an amazing method to acquire salary and can be fulfilling. With assistance from the suitable specialists and authorities property speculation can be a perfect business adventure. Making a property venture that will be gainful and monetarily profitable requires exertion and cautious thought. Having a group of specialists to help speculators all through this procedure is essential.

Encircle Yourself With Experts -

A standout amongst the most significant things a financial specialist can do, particularly a first time speculator, is encircle themselves with specialists. Holding the administrations of specialists, bookkeepers, contract dealers Brisbane, property mentors, property chiefs and amount surveyors will be basic to the general speculation process.

In a perfect world, the specialists enlisted by a speculator will themselves be property financial specialists. These people will be comfortable with the venture procedure and can give quality insight and direction. An accomplished Brisbane home loan representative will be of most extreme significance during this procedure.

Decide an Investment Strategy -

The property where an individual contributes will be dictated by a few elements. The speculator should survey their current money related circumstance, choose how they will contribute, and define a purchasing methodology. Before a speculator can genuinely consider obtaining a venture property they should decide whether they have the money related intends to buy the property.

Another part to consider is whether the property being referred to will be really acquired in their name, on the other hand in the name or a trust, business, life partner, tyke or relative. Financial specialists need to amplify the security of their benefits, and with vital speculation speculators can get most extreme influence and the most ideal profit for their venture.

A property mentor will detail a venture methodology for the speculator dependent on their remarkable money related conditions and how the property is to be bought. It will be basic to have a reasonable purchasing procedure, and a property mentor can enable speculators to verify that the venture won't contrarily affect their money related steadiness.

Discover Property Based on Set Criteria -

Since there are various properties accessible available, financial specialists need to utilize criteria to kill properties and restricted their hunt. Speculators are urged to decide three regions of purchasing enthusiasm to enable them to locate the perfect property. Setting up purchasing principles will enable speculators to all the more likely build up property criteria.

To decide whether the property being referred to is a wise venture, the utilization of recently decided speculation methodologies and fitting examination programming can be utilized. The price tag of the venture property ought to be founded on the financial specialist's expenses and costs.
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Tuesday, 18 June 2019

How To Get Bigger Payouts With Your Personal Injury Lawyer

No one needs to get an into an auto crash which causes individual damage. Other than the agony, which can make life hard to live, there's likewise factors like getting some much needed rest work, or out of your business. There might be doctor's visit expenses that should be paid. Your family and friends and family will be pushed, really anxious, and there can be far more terrible outcomes.

So it's critical to at any rate boost any payout that you may get because of the mishap.

This is the place Brisbane legal counselors come in. Here in bright Queensland, we have the absolute best and most skilled law offices in Australia. So it shouldn't be too difficult to even think about getting a huge money repayment.

The principal arrange typically will in general be the most troublesome and regularly overlooked - recording everything that occurred at the scene, directly after the mishap. Obviously, taking notes is frequently the keep going thing on individuals' psyches when something like this has occurred. Be that as it may, notes from the scene can be significant, so if at all conceivable, record precisely what occurred, subtleties of any wounds, and so forth.

What's more, when you come to contract a Brisbane attorney, ensure the individual in question is experienced. A decent close to home damage legal advisor will probably amplify your payout and make things as simple for you as could be allowed. An accomplished attorney will almost certainly begin by disclosing to you whether you have a winnable case or not. If not, there's no utilization in pursuing it, and any great Brisbane lawyer will probably inform you regarding past cases simply like yours.

In case you're making it work, your law office will probably build up a system to demonstrate your condition and how it influences your life, how and why the litigant is to blame, and what reasonable remuneration would be for you. A decent Brisbane lawyer will work with your physical wounds, yet additionally with any enthusiastic torment you are feeling because of what occurred. This can frequently twofold your settlement.

You have rights and your own damage legal counselor is going to battle for them, and experienced legal counselors have an edge which should see them win a bigger number of cases than they lose. They'll call up observers, they'll present confirmation, they'll contend convincingly that you've been wronged, your life is more enthusiastically and less satisfying subsequently, and you merit in any event something in remuneration.

A decent experienced law office will almost certainly explore the respondent also. This is significant as you have to realize how high to point. In case you're managing a major organization with profound pockets, your Brisbane legal counselor will most likely pursue an a lot higher settlement than if you're pursuing an independent company or person.

The familiar axiom is valid, you can't get blood out of a stone.

Most close to home damage cases are settled out of court. You will most likely get an idea from the respondent when the case is clarified. This is the place the experience of your legal advisor is generally significant. Pretty much all underlying offers will be generally low, they're simply shaking the tree to perceive what drops out. Your accomplished Brisbane lawyer will know where a specific offer stands, and whether you ought to acknowledge or dismiss it.

On the off chance that your case is strong, your lawyer experienced, and your enduring genuine, at that point you ought to have the option to get a huge money repayment to slow down your life on track.

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Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Three Family Law Cases

Finding a divorce lawyer in Brisbane can be more complicated than you initially think — not because they are hard to find, but because you want to be sure that you are choosing the right lawyer for your situation.

For When You First Meet With Your Divorce Lawyer in BrisbaneA good divorce family lawyer such as Aylward Game will offer a free initial consultation in person, or over the phone, to get a general idea of how they can help. Preparation is critical.

One of the main costs incurred by lawyers is time. The longer the information provided the more it will cost for lawyers to peruse all the information. So ask your lawyer what information they need from you.

Below are five different tips to make sure that you get the most out of your first meeting, and that you leave with the confidence you need to be sure that you have the help you need and deserve. The most important takeaway here? Be prepared.


Once you are in the meeting, it is almost normal that you will not be able to remember all of the questions. It is just as true that you will remember them all as soon as you get back in your car to head home. To avoid this happening to you, write down every question that comes to mind during the days leading up to your meeting. This way you will be able to move through them systematically and can leave your meeting confident that you addressed the big issues that are on your mind.


Most of the biggest issues of a divorce are the finances, and your divorce lawyer in Brisbane is going to need to understand what the process is going to look like as early into the divorce as possible. Therefore, gather as much information and documentation about your finances as possible before your first meeting. Although you will be able to provide plenty of information directly to your lawyer, they will be able to gather a lot from these documents as well.


Tax returns can tell your divorce lawyer in Brisbane a lot about the overall financial situation of the parties…. and this is going to be one of the central issues of your divorce or separation formalisation process. Your tax return information will be extremely helpful, especially when paired with the rest of the financial documents that you have.


If there are any important details about your marriage and divorce, make sure that you write them down. Your divorce lawyer in Brisbane will lead your initial consultation and guide you through the questions that they need answers to, but once you are moving through the meeting you may forget a major detail that will be extremely helpful to your lawyer. To avoid this, come prepared and make sure that you put together as much information in writing as possible so that your legal team has a simple document with the information that you believe is central to the case.


While there are probably plenty of details of your marriage and divorce that may be sensitive, it is absolutely essential that you are completely honest with your lawyer. You can be sure of one thing: if you leave out any important details with your lawyer, they will learn about them from your spouse and their lawyer instead. Being honest with your family lawyer is the best way that you can do to help them prepare for your divorce process. This minimises the chance of them being caught off-guard about some surprising information that changes the situation.

You can read more information at

The post 5 Tips For When You First Meet With Your Divorce Lawyer in Brisbane appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyer.

from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Monday, 29 April 2019

Three Family Law Cases

When we are dealing with family law cases in which there is a disagreement between parents as to the appropriate parenting arrangements for a child or children, there is often confusion about the term “Equal Shared Parental Responsibility”. This is a legal concept and something that the Court is obliged to consider when making orders about parenting arrangements for children.

equal shared parental responsibilityEqual Shared Parental Responsibility

We frequently find that parties in this situation assume that equal shared parental responsibility means that children must spend equal time with each parent. This is not the case.

Equal Shared Parental Responsibility means that both parents must agree on the big decisions that need to be made about children. These are things like which school the child should attend, what religion the child should follow, the child’s name, application for a passport and to some extent where the child should live.

Court Orders

The Court can make orders to regulate how parental responsibility is exercised, and the Court can also remove parental responsibility from parents, as well as give parental responsibility to other people who are not parents of a child.

For sensitive, practical, specialist advice on parenting matters and other family law issues, contact Ian Field at Aylward Game Solicitors on 1800 217 217.

The post What is Equal Shared Parental Responsibility? appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyer.

from Brisbane Family Lawyer

Sunday, 6 January 2019

Three Family Law Cases

For those coming to a realisation that the marriage is ending, you’re probably racking your brains on the best way to wrap everything up legally so that you can proceed to ‘recovery’ both emotionally and financially from your potential former spouse.

But what actually happens from here? How you approach divorce will depend on your individual situation. Fortunately, most states and divorce lawyers offer a few options to try and find the easiest method of a divorce settlement that, once approved through the court, legally terminates your marriage.

Mediated Divorce Contracts

A mediated divorce is a viable option for couples that can speak with each other amicably and agree on most of the main issues as well as in marriages that do not involve complicated child custody or complex financial issues. In a mediated divorce, the two spouses work with a mediator (often an experienced family lawyer) who assists the parties to negotiate the settlement and reach a divorce agreement. The mediator does not decide upon the result but works together with the parties to reach a resolution.

If you think you and your spouse can effectively interact to work out divorce terms, you could reap the benefits of this approach. Mediation costs much less than engaging in court battles plus the decision and approval through the courts is significantly quicker than with traditional divorce cases in court.

Collaborative Divorce Contracts

In a collaborative divorce, each spouse hires a qualified collaborative family lawyer who agrees to participate in a collaborative divorce process, rather than an adversarial one (as per contested divorce situations). Both family lawyers have to be eager to do something to resolve the matter. In a collaborative divorce process, lawyers and their clients both work to appease the individual needs of the other party while trying to be fair and just to the result. It seeks the most favorable outcome for all parties (particularly the children).

Contested Divorce Settlements

Contested divorce settlements are the kind of divorce that’s regularly in news reports with celebrities ‘out for blood’. Unfortunately, these types of divorces occur in the real world too and generally take place when the two spouses aren’t able to concur on important issues. In the contested divorce, each spouse hires an individual attorney to represent their interests in an adversarial contest.

A contested divorce may be necessary for situations where:

  • A child custody arrangement cannot be formulated
  • There is a quarrel about how property or financial assets need to be split
  • The marriage was abusive

When you are associated with a contested divorce, you will need a lawyer who is experienced with divorce litigation, that you trust, and who are able to best represent your interests.

Where to from here?

We’ve helped thousands of separating couples and have a focus on Collaborative practice. Ian Field is a highly experienced mediator and has conducted many hundreds of family law cases, including in a capacity as an Independent Children’s Lawyer (ICL). To speak with someone that can help, call us on 1800 217 217. Aylward Game, Ahead of the Game.

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