Tuesday 5 December 2017

Three Family Law Cases

The Family law act, provides that parents are to make major decision in relation to that children together once they’ve been separated so major long-term decision, such as health decision schooling decision religious decision are to be made by parents jointly pursuant to their equal share parental responsibilities under the Family law act. So unless something significant has happened which means that it’s inappropriate for parents to consult with each other about those major long-term issues it’s appropriate for those decision to be made together our role as a solicitor can be to help guide you through that process and facilitating a relationship between you and your former partner to have those decisions made in a way that you’re not exposed to them directly but can still communicate with them in order to reach an outcome on those decision and to make decision that are the best interests of the children so it’s important to seek legal advice when you separate from your partner when there’s children involved so that you’re aware of your rights and your legal obligations and to ensure that you’re doing things that are in the best interests of the children and still consulting with your former partner about major decisions because they are a parent too and it’s important to have a co-parenting relationship if that’s possible because that’s going to help the children and the end of the day if you’d like to come in and see us for some free initial advice in relation to your family of all matter you’re more than welcome to.

The post Shared Parental Responsibility appeared first on Brisbane Family Lawyer.

from Brisbane Family Lawyer http://ift.tt/2A7Ly3M

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